Trial Balance

 trial balance is a list of all the nominal ledger (general ledger) accounts contained in the ledger of a business. This list will contain the name of the nominal ledger account and the value of that nominal ledger account. The value of the nominal ledger will hold either a debit balance value or a credit value balance. The debit balance values will be listed in the debit column of the trial balance and the credit value balance will be listed in the credit column. The profit and loss statement and balance sheet and other financial reports can then be produced using the ledger accounts listed on the trial balance.
Whenever you attempt a question in arithmetic you try to verify whether your answer is correct or not. If you attempt to solve any other type of
problem you want to ensure that it has been correctly solved. For this you try to find out some ways or means. Similarly an accountant also wants to be sure that the ledger accounts he/she has prepared are correct in respect of amount, side, balance, etc. To check the accuracy of posting in the ledger a statement is prepared. This statement is called Trial Balance. You also know that accounts are prepared by applying double entry system. According to this system every debit of a transaction has corresponding credit for the same amount. Hence the total of debit balances of different accounts in the ledger must be equal to the total of the credit balances in the remaining accounts, provided transactions have been correctly posted in the ledger.
A statement is prepared containing these balances with two columns i.e. debit column containing debit balances and credit column containing credit balances and the debit column total is compared with credit column total. If the columnar totals are same it implies that ledger accounts are arithmetically accurate.

  The name comes from the purpose of a trial balance which is to prove that the value of all the debit value balances equal the total of all the credit value balances. Trialing, by listing every nominal ledger balance, ensures accurate reporting of the nominal ledgers for use in financial reporting of a businesses performance. If the total of the debit column does not equal the total value of the credit column then this would show that there is an error in the nominal ledger accounts. This error must be found before a profit and loss statement and balance sheet can be produced.
The trial balance is usually prepared by a bookkeeper who has used daybooks to record financial transactions and then post them to the nominal ledgers and personal ledger accounts. The trial balance is a part of the double-entry bookkeeping system and uses the classic 'T' account format for presenting values.
Objectives of Preparing a Trial Balance
(i) To check arithmetical accuracy

Trial balance limitations

A trial balance only checks the sum of debits against the sum of credits. That is why it does not guarantee that there are no errors. The following are the main classes of error that are not detected by the trial balance:
  • An error of original entry is when both sides of a transaction include the wrong amount. For example, if a purchase invoice for £21 is entered as £12, this will result in an incorrect debit entry (to purchases), and an incorrect credit entry (to the relevant creditor account), both for £9 less, so the total of both columns will be £9 less, and will thus balance.
  • An error of omission is when a transaction is completely omitted from the accounting records. As the debits and credits for the transaction would balance, omitting it would still leave the totals balanced. A variation of this error is omitting one of the ledger account totals from the trial balance.
  • An error of reversal is when entries are made to the correct amount, but with debits instead of credits, and vice versa. For example, if a cash sale for £100 is debited to the Sales account, and credited to the Cash account. Such an error will not affect the totals.
  • An error of commission is when the entries are made at the correct amount, and the appropriate side (debit or credit), but one or more entries are made to the wrong account of the correct type. For example, if fuel costs are incorrectly debited to the postage account (both expense accounts). This will not affect the totals.
  • An error of principle is when the entries are made to the correct amount, and the appropriate side (debit or credit), as with an error of commission, but the wrong type of account is used. For example, if fuel costs (an expense account), are debited to stock (an asset account). This will not affect the totals.
  • Compensating errors are multiple unrelated errors that would individually lead to an imbalance, but together cancel each other out
        CAPITAL - CREDIT                                            DRAWING - DEBIT                        PURCHASE-    DEBIT
         SALES- CREDIT                                               ASSETS - DEBIT                           LIABILITIES - CREDIT
          CREDITORS - CREDIT                                       DEBTORS - DEBIT                       EXPENSES - DEBIT
          INCOMES - CREDIT                                       PURCHASE RETURN- CREDIT        SALES RETURN- DEBIT
Key to preparing a trial balance is making sure that all the account balances are listed under the correct column.  The appropriate columns are as follows:
Assets = Debit balance
Liabilities = Credit balance
Expenses = Debit Balance
Equity = Credit balance
Revenue = Credit balance

Definition and Explanation:

Having posted all the transactions into the ledger, it is necessary to check the correctness of the work done before proceeding further. In order to test the arithmetical accuracy of our ledger we should prepare a statement called trial balance.
trial balance is a statement prepared by taking out the debit and credit balances of all accounts appearing in the ledger.

Objectives and Advantages of Preparing a Trial Balance:

The following are the main objectives of preparing a trial balance.
  1. Trial balance helps in knowing the arithmetical accuracy of the accounting entries. Trial balance represents a summary of all ledger balances and, therefore, if the two sides of the trial balance tally, it is an indication of this fact that the books of accounts are arithmetically accurate.
  2. Trial balance forms the basis for preparing financial statements such as income statement / Trading and profit and loss account and balance sheet. In case, the trial balance is not prepared, it will be almost impossible to prepare the financial statements.
  3. The entire ledger is summarised in the form of a trial balance. Thus the position of a particular account can be judged simply by looking at the trial balance.


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